Things have been a bit uncomfortable for me lately... like setting new goals, learning new habits, living a new lifestyle, starting a new job... and I've come to this point where I'm really feeling the discomfort and the doubt.
Then I realized, this is the point I have ALWAYS stopped in the past! I'm reaching that outer circle of my comfort zone and everything in me is slamming on the brakes! But where do I get when I stop there? NOWHERE! I just stay in that same nasty little circle...
It's time to push past that. Time to step out... to be scared, to be vulnerable, to be uncomfortable. That is where the change happens!
So today I choose to walking... past the borders, into unknown territory, and expand my circle. I have decided to start a goal setting and accountability group for the new year. I would love for some of you to step out of the circle with me! We can do it together!
If you want to take part in CHANGING YOUR life, moving past your limitations, and would love the accountability and support of a free group- Contact me! I am waiting to help you :)
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